We recognise the fact that you might have vital information on your virtual or dedicated web server, therefore we offer an optional backup upgrade which you can add at any time. While shared hosting servers are backed up routinely by all hosting providers, this is not so for standalone servers, so if you do not keep a copy of your files on your personal computer, you risk losing precious information in case something goes wrong - deleting something accidentally or updating a script-driven application unsuccessfully, as an illustration. With our additional service, we will create a backup of your content on an individual hosting server as to make certain that we shall have a good copy all of the time and that we can easily restore everything just how it was before the predicament emerged. The optional upgrade will help you handle your content without worrying about possible breakdowns of any type.

Weekly Backup in VPS Hosting

You can get the backup upgrade anytime and with only a couple of clicks regardless of the virtual private server package which you pick. Depending on when you choose to take advantage of this specific service, you'll be able to order it during the VPS order process and we'll start creating backups right from the creation of the server or you can add it via your billing CP later and we shall keep a copy of your content from that point on. You can renew the upgrade as long as you need it and we'll create and keep several weekly backups, so that we could restore any data in the machine right away if required. The entire content on the virtual machine shall be backed up, hence no matter if you need an older version of some files or a database, we shall have it. With this upgrade you won't need to worry about losing valuable information in the case of an unforeseen predicament.

Weekly Backup in Dedicated Web Hosting

We offer weekly backups for every single dedicated server, so whatever OS or hosting Control Panel you choose or what content you upload, we could keep a copy of your info on an independent server and restore it when you need it. The upgrade grant you fifty GB of disk space which you can use and you could obtain it anytime with a few clicks. If you want to have backups from the start, for instance, you could get the service along with the dedicated web server, while if you need it afterwards, you'll be able to add it to your plan via the billing area. Although all hardware components are reviewed thoroughly, a software issue may surface at any time, so using our backup service will give you more security, particularly if you have critical data on the hosting server. You'll be able to use this service as a part of our Managed Services plan too as well as a range of other web server management services that will make the management of your dedicated web server a lot easier.